Raul Ramirez
Raul Ramirez
Raul Ramirez
Raul Ramirez
Este Año Ranking: ${ytdRank} Mejor Ránking (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
  • Ramirez is considered to be one of the great all-around players of the modern era...With Brian Gottfried, he has won the doubles title at Wimbledon once, Roland Garros twice and the Italian Open four times...He was the first player to finish first in both singles and doubles Grand Prix point standings, accomplishing the feat in 1976...He is one of the all time leading doubles winners and spent 61 weeks ranked #1 in doubles beginning April 12, 1976...Was an All-American at the University of Southern California, and was the runner-up at the 1973 NCAA championships.

    Retired from the ATP circuit in 1984 and was named Director of Tennis at the Loreto Tennis Center in Baja California...Also commentates for Mexican television networks and Fox Sports Latin America...Promotes tennis in Mexico with corporate sponsors Banco Mexicano and Nestle...Captain/Coach of the Mexican Davis Cup Team from 1984-1995...Wife, Maritza (the former Miss Universe 1979) and children Rebeca, Raul and Daniel.


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