Residence: Vereeniging, South Africa & Palm Desert, Calif. Single
Singles title: Doubles titles: 10, as follows:
1990--(1) Newport 1992--(1) Johannesburg (w/Visser)
1990--(4) Aust. Open, Stuttgart, U.S. Open,Berlin (w/Visser
1989--(3) Indianapolis, San Francisco, Frankfurt (w/Visser)
1988--(2) Charleston, Stratton Mountain (w/Visser)
Year-by-Year Highlights:
1992- Doubles Winner at Indian Wells Ch.; Doubles R-up at San Francisco (w/
1991- Doubles QF at Memphis, Key Biscayne (w/Visser).
1990- Doubles R-up at Sydney/NSW, Wimbledon; Doubles SF at Queen's, Newport;
Doubles QF at Philly, French Open, Cincy, Indy (all w/Visser).
1989- S & D Winner at Johannesburg-2 Ch.; R-up at Cape Town Ch.; Doubles R-up
at Sydney/NSW, Stratton Mt., Cincinnati; Doubles SF at Indian Wells, Key
Biscayne, Hamburg, L.A., Orlando, Paris-indoor, Wembley, Johannesburg,
Masters; Doubles QF at Wimbledon (all w/Visser).
1988- Winner at Guadeloupe Ch.; SF at Newport, Johannesburg; QF at Scottsdale
Doubles Winner at Martinique Ch. (w/Nargiso); Doubles R-up at Forest Hills-
T.O.C., Queen's; Doubles SF at Newport, Indianapolis, Jo-burg(all w/Visser)
1987- Winner at E. London, Cape Town Ch.; QF at Thessaloniki Ch., Bloemfon-
tein Ch., Port Elizabeth Ch.; Doubles Winner at Dublin Ch. (w/W. Green);
Doubles R-up at Winnetka Ch. (w/W. Green), Thessaloniki Ch. (w/Mortensen).
In '89, he reached six doubles finals with Visser, winning three -- Indy
San Francisco and Frankfurt. They also reached the semifinals in nine other
Began 1990 by finishing runner-up at Sydney/NSW with Visser before
capturing his first Grand Slam title at the Australian Open. En route, the
duo won a five-hour, 29-minute marathon (23-21 in the fifth) against Scott
Davis-Robert Van't Hof in the quarterfinals.
Enjoyed his best pro season in 1990 when he teamed with Danie Visser to
win four titles and finish as the No. 1 team in the world. Earned a career-
high $331,652 that year. Also won his first career tour singles title in
Newport in July '90 (d. Cahill).
In May 1991, underwent right shoulder surgery to repair ligament and
tendon damage. Only played in one singles and five doubles tournaments.