Petr Korda
Petr Korda
Petr Korda
Petr Korda
YTD Rank: ${ytdRank} Career High Rank (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
  • Captured 1986 Wimbledon juniors doubles title (w/Carbonell)...The Czech 18s Junior champion in 1984 at age 16...The world 18s doubles champion (w/Suk)...Finished No. 9 in 1985 and No. 10 in 1986 in the world junior rankings...Former ballboy for Ivan Lendl during Davis Cup...A member of the Davis Cup team since 1988 (29-13 overall record, 18-9 in singles)...Big hockey fan and follows the Pittsburgh Penguins of the NHL...Sent gold medal-winning Czech hockey team, including friend Dominik Hasek, tennis racquets to commemorate achievement...Also fan of NBA's Chicago Bulls and Michael Jordan...Father, Petr, coached him until age 18; mother, Jana, is a former bank employee...Wife, Regina Rajchrtova, played on the WTA Tour...Daughters, Jessica Regina and Nelly Ann; son, Sebastian...Coached by Tomas Petera and fitness trainer is Marek Vseticek.


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